Cavanal Hill Ultra Short Tax-Free Income Fund Quarterly Commentary

3Q 2024

Market Overview

Yields on fixed rate paper in the short end of the municipal market gradually declined during the quarter and ultimately finished the period about 60 basis points (0.60%) lower than the beginning level. Variable rate demand note (VRDN) yields had another volatile quarter. The SIFMA index opened the quarter with its typical drop in July before rebounding sharply in August. In early September, it rose to 4.21% before falling to 3.15% by the end of the month.

Positioning the Fund

Portfolio composition is subject to change

The Federal Reserve (the Fed) has begun its easing cycle, and the short end of the municipal market should see yields move in tandem with further action from the Fed. The Fund will look to lock in attractive fixed rate yields while maintaining a core position of VRDNs.

Why should investors consider investing in this fund?

We believe the Fund should offer an attractive tax equivalent yield in a falling rate environment as well as a relatively stable NAV.


An investor should consider a fund’s investment objectives, risks and charges and expenses carefully before investing or sending money This and other important information about an investment company can be found in the fund’s prospectus. To obtain a Cavanal Hill Funds prospectus or summary prospectus, please call 800-762-7085 or visit us at Please read it carefully before investing.

Cavanal Hill Investment Management, Inc. is an SEC registered investment adviser and a wholly-owned subsidiary of BOK Financial Corporation, a financial holding company (“BOKF”). BOKF, NA serves as the custodian for the Cavanal Hill Funds. Cavanal Hill Investment Management, Inc. provides investment advice, administration and other services for the Funds and receives a fee for providing such services as fully described in the prospectus. The Funds are distributed by Cavanal Hill Distributors, Inc. a registered Broker/Dealer, member FINRA and wholly-owned subsidiary of BOKF.

Commentary provided is for the indicated period and is designed to provide a frame of reference. It does not constitute investment advice. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed. The opinions expressed herein reflect the judgment of the authors at this date and are subject to change without notice and are not a complete analysis of any sector, industry or security. This document contains forward-looking statements that are based on management’s beliefs, assumptions, current expectations, estimates and projections about the Cavanal Hill Funds, the securities and credit markets and the economy in general. Words such as “anticipates,” “believes,” “estimates,” “expects,” “forecasts,” “plans,” “projects,” variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Management judgments relating to and discussion of the value and potential future value or performance of any security, group of securities, type of security or market segment involve judgments as to expected events are inherently forward-looking statements. Management judgments relating to and discussion of the value and potential future value or performance of any security, group of securities, type of security, or market segment involve certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict with regard to timing, extent, likelihood and degree of occurrence. Therefore, actual results and outcomes may materially differ from what is expressed, implied, or forecasted in such forward-looking statements. The potential realization of these forward-looking statements is subject to a number of limitations and risks, which are described in the Fund’s prospectuses, and investors or potential investors, are cautioned to review the Funds’ prospectuses and the description of such risks. Neither the Funds nor the Funds’ investment adviser, Cavanal Hill, undertake any obligation to update, amend, or clarify forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

The SIFMA Municipal Swap index is a 7-day high-grade market index comprised of tax-exempt VRDNs reset rates that are reported to the Municipal Securities Rule Making Board’s (MSRBs) SHORT reporting system. The index is calculated on an actual/actual basis and is published every Wednesday by 4pm Eastern Time. The bonds going into the index are selected from all eligible bonds reporting data through the SHORT system that meet the index criteria as set forth by SIFMA. The index is calculated by Bloomberg as the calculation agent for SIFMA.

Investment Risks

Fixed income securities are subject to interest rate risks. The principal value of a bond falls when interest rates rise and rise when interest rates fall. During periods of rising interest rates, the value of a bond investment is at greater risk than during periods of stable or falling rates. Short term investment grade bonds offer less risk and generally a lower rate of return than longer term higher yielding bonds. Bond funds will tend to experience smaller fluctuations in value than stock funds. However, investors in any bond fund should anticipate fluctuations in price, especially for longer term issues and in environments of changing interest rates. The Fund’s income may be subject to certain state and local taxes and, depending on one’s tax status, to the federal alternative minimum tax.

If you’d like additional information about this or any of the Cavanal Hill Funds, please contact Bill King at 855.359.1898,, or

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