Credit Quality Breakdown

Short-Term Credit Quality
U.S. Treasury10.4%
U.S. Agency34.3%
Moody's P1/S&P A1+48.4%
Moody's P1/S&P A12.1%
Moody's P-2/S&P A-24.8%
Long-Term Credit Quality
U.S. Treasury10.4%
U.S. Agency34.3%
Moody's Aaa/Aa1/S&P AAA8.8%
Moody's Aa2/Aa3/S&P AA39.6%
Moody's A1/A2/S&P A+2.1%
Moody's A3/Baa1/S&P A-4.8%
The above credit quality ratings are derived from the underlying securities of the portfolio, and are rated by Moody’s. If a rating from Moody’s is unavailable, S&P’s rating is used. Ratings may apply to issuer, counterparty parent or guarantor.

Composition By Security Type

Cash Equivalents8.8%
U.S. Treasury10.4%
U.S. Government Agency34.3%
Repurchase Agreements46.5%

Portfolio composition is as of September 30, 2024 and is subject to change. 

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